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Contemporary Carte de Visite Tools: Raccolta di utility per la preparazione delle immagini da stampare su supporti fotografici standard

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% Roberto Ceccarelli - Casasoft
% April 2023


CreditCard - Creates a credit card recto and verso.


CreditCard [options]* inputfile


This program allows you to create a credit card with recto and verso.
You can add a pseudo magnetic band, text on front and a more long text on the back.


–fronttext=VALUE :
text in front (Cardholder name)

–fronttextfont=VALUE :
front text font (default ‘Arial’)

–fronttextcolor=VALUE :
front text color (default #000000)

–fronttextborder=VALUE :

front text border color (default #000000)

–fronttextbackground=V :
front text background color (default #00000000)

–fontbold :
use bold font weight

–fontitalic :
use italic font style

–mbcolor=VALUE :
magnetic band color (default #8B4513)

–mbimage=VALUE :
magnetic band overlay image

–backimage=VALUE :
image for back side

–backtext=VALUE :
pango markup for text on back side.
Text can be stored in a file instead of a string.
The file must be referenced as ‘@filename’

–fillcolor=VALUE :
set the color used to fill the images
(default #FFFFFF)

–bordercolor=VALUE :
set the color used to border the images
(default #000000)

–dpi=VALUE :
set output resolution (default 300)

–json=VALUE :
parameters in json format,
use –helpjson for sample template
Text can be stored in a file instead of a string
The file must be referenced as ‘@filename’

–script=VALUE :
c# script for custom processing,
use –helpscript for sample template
Text can be stored in a file instead of a string
The file must be referenced as ‘@filename’

-o, –output=VALUE :
set output dir/filename

–extension=VALUE :
file extension for output file (default ‘jpg’)

–tag=VALUE :
extra info for user scripts
Text can be stored in a file instead of a string
The file must be referenced as ‘@filename’

–nobanner :
suppress the banner

-h, –help :
show this message and exit

–helpjson :
show json parameters template

–helpscript :
show script template

–man :
show the man page source and exit

–colors :
list available colors by name

–license :
show program license (AGPL 3.0)


Colors can be written in any of these formats:
colorname (use CreditCard –colors to see all available colors)


Parameters can also be passed with a json formatted string
using the following template:

  "FrontText": "",
  "FrontTextFont": "Arial",
  "FrontTextColor": "#FFFFFF",
  "FrontTextBorder": "#000000",
  "FrontTextBackground": "#00000000",
  "fontBold": false,
  "fontItalic": false,
  "MagneticBandColor": "#000000FF",
  "MagneticBandImage": "",
  "BackImage": "",
  "BackText": "",
  "FillColor": "#FFFFFF",
  "BorderColor": "#000000",
  "Dpi": 300,
  "OutputName": "",
  "Extension": "jpg",
  "Script": null,
  "Tag": null,
  "FilesList": []


The program can read values from these variables:

Base path for output files

Resolution for output files

Color used to fill images

Border color


You can add custom c# code, compiled at runtime, with the –script parameter. You can call a property engine that exposes all the parameters passed to the main program.

The following using are declared:

using Casasoft.CCDV;
using Casasoft.CCDV.Engines;
using Casasoft.CCDV.JSON;
using ImageMagick;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

These are the signatures of the scriptable methods:

// Script template for CreditCard

/// <summary>
/// Custom class initialization
/// </summary>
public void Init() { }

/// <summary>
/// Image for final output
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public MagickImage OutputImage() => null;


Casasoft Casasoft CreditCard is free software:
you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

You should have received a copy of the GNU AGPL v.3
along with Casasoft Casasoft CreditCard.
If not, see


Casasoft Casasoft CreditCard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.